These Black-Led Prevention Initiatives Want to End Gun Violence

Gun violence has long made headlines in America, and the rates of gun-related violence have remained disproportionately high in Black communities across the country, with Black children almost ten times more likely to be victims of gun homicide than their white counterparts. 

Some of the strongest voices against the worrying rates of gun-related violence have emerged from the Black community. These anti-violence advocates are paving the way for a safer future and should be on your radar. 


The Circle of Brotherhood has brought stability to their Florida community. Based in the sprawling, lively city of Miami, this organization of Black men has dedicated its time to preventing crime before it starts, focusing its efforts on community service and youth mentorship. Their advocacy against gun violence has made headlines—in 2019, nine members of the group staged a 21-day outdoor hunger strike to bring attention and call for action against rampant gun violence in the community. 


Taking a page from Kendrick Lamar’s book, GoodKidsMadCity is trying to change the narrative of dangerous “urban” kids in busy cities. The group, which has branches in both Englewood, Illinois and Baltimore, Maryland, is tackling gun violence awareness by highlighting the systemic causes of gun violence. Black and Brown youth leaders have come together to host services like peace walks, healing circles for gun violence survivors and peer-mediated conflict resolution to help their community find healthy pathways for healing. 


Back to the Basics is about making the Los Angeles community a better place. The organization, officially called Back to the Basics Community Empowerment Organization, is devoted to helping community members find positive strategies to uplift and enhance their own community. Through services like their signature Life Impact Sessions, the group provides education and behavior management tools to marginalized communities in Los Angeles. 


The Free Root Operation is planting the seeds for a better future by fighting the high rates of gun violence in Black communities. The non-profit is dedicated to combating the root cause of gun-based violence in communities, incorporating methods such as wellness and economic development services. They believe that the key to fighting violence is prioritizing the well-being of Black women and mothers, pillars of the community who can fight what Executive Director Eva Maria Lewis calls “poverty-induced gun violence” that runs rampant in cities like Chicago.

Updated: June 25, 2024 — 12:03 pm